
What is Kill the Kell? Here is the answer...

Kill the Kell is an independent artistic project now situated in Tenerife, that tries to be an ensemble with open-minded ideas and able to mix audiovisuals, music and literature for you to enjoy. Also a poetry & short stories book is going to be released soon. You are very welcome to take a look for available material on this website and support it in any way you could.


Damian Silva: Guitars, bass, keyboards, harmonica, kalimba, acoustic noises and effects, voice, percussion and settings of electronic drums. Besides, is the responsible of the lyrics and the literature book that is going to be released. Born in Argentina, at the beginning learnt music mostly as a self-taught. Started to study in the city of Buenos Aires conservatory of music,  but he left after a year and moved to Spain in 2002.

2002- 2004. Coruña. Spain. Played keyboards in Dark Embrace under the name of Damien Stillborn. The band played a mixture between black metal, gothic and doom. Recorded a demo cd called “Bitter end” edited in 2003 and a promo cd called “Doomed by Life” edited in 2004. The songs of these demos are an important part of the LP The rebirth of darkness recorded in Stage One Studio (Germany) by Andy Classen direction. Damian left the band and moved to Madrid in December of 2004. By the time, his friend, singer and composer openly known as Oscar Asunder, kept doing in metal business, achieving big musical goals. MORE INFO

2004. Coruña. Recorded as a studio musician of Anhedonya (current guitarrist and vocalist of Shroud of tears) into their first demo, playing keyboards. In December of this year he left Galicia, and met Rubén Reina, who would be a close friend and music partner for the next few years.

2004/06 – 2008/09. Madrid. (in a very inconstant way) With his friend Rubén Reina he built up a band called KaínesA pop / rock band with some progresist lyrics in spanish, in a very poetic shape and much literary influence. He played keyboards at the beginning and then guitar and second voices. Rubén Reina in charge of lyrics and Damian himself in charge of music. Kaínes had good and bad moments in It’s lapse of time, but always inconstantly. There was never an official release of any recording, though was very creative and especially productive in 2005 and 2008. At the end of this year, without much motivation to keep on the project, Kaínes broke up and he decides to leave Madrid in 2009 to meet his family again after many years living apart.

2009. Tenerife. Keyboardist and founder member of Nara & the Mendrix Project. Soft rock / pop band that used to play Ainara Trujillo compositions. Spanish songs with very personal content. Caused by geographical distance and not musical understanding to each other, have not passed longer than few months before he left the band. The excessive influence of Ainara on the band (singer and music and lyrics composer) though very talented singer, without musical training was impossible to musically understand to each other and feel free to play as a real band. He left, and the very talented drummer Umberto Lumini left also, short time after. Then he found then much success in great bands like Estación Zoo, Hydra 2.0, and many, many, many others, playing with hundred of very talented musicians. MORE INFO 

2009 – 2010. Tenerife. He gathered many own songs from diverse styles (Rock, ambiental, classical, jazz, black metal, gothic, ska, blues…) in a very experimental sound and made a demo himself under his real name, Damian Silva. in homage to Hermann Hesse, also with much lyric influence from other german writers as Franz Kafka, Friedrich Nietzsche or Immanuel Kant, he tried to make a surrealist and philosophic demo with different concepts. Years after, Damian will use most of this material for Kill the Kell. MORE INFO Booklet

2010 – 2011. Tenerife. Was also a founder member of Dada Trip playing keyboards in an ensemble of different styles and very experimental psychodelic rock. In 2010 the band joined a musical contest (Sansofé youth talent contest) with a song composed just few days before the show, due to the lack of any short and comercial song in their songlist. Inevitable requirement of the contest. Nevertheless, the band reached semifinals with a song called “Funky monkey”, sung by a soprano female singer who have had joined the band just one week before. Then, as for personal reasons was not easy to get together for the rehearsals, some of the members were agreed to take a breath and leave in stand by the project.  In 2011 Damian joined the same youth talent contest (Sansofé) but this time as a soloist singer and performed “Working class education”. He reached semifinals again and after the good results, it was the spark that pushed him to keep going. WATCH HERE

2011 – 2012. Helsinki. Kill the Kell was born. Finally, in 21st of May of 2012 he released the debut album called “Cannon Fodder” under the band name of Kill the Kell. The record intends to be a homage to all the people that stood face to face against the government to have no longer a fake democracy with unjust politics that looked after the banks instead of the people. In 15th of May of 2011 began in Madrid a spontaneous and contagious movement which spread after as 15M movement, the root of what would be known in the world as Spanish revolution. The fonts and the back cover of “Puerta del Sol” are a strong reference to it. LISTEN HERE

2012. Tenerife. In 12th of December of 2012 was born a double album called “Trip to nowhere”,  you can listen to the whole material here. TRIP TO NOWHERE I TRIP TO NOWHERE II This material reveals a musical and lyric development, as deep feelings of travelling and telling stories about people he met or situations he was involved in.

2013 – 2014. London. ”Voice from underneath”was released as a double album on 15th of March of 2014. This album ends a season of very rich material of Kill the Kell shaping personal experience from Tenerife (Spain), Helsinki (Finland) and London (England) as well as it ends the active intentions to perform live as a band. He gathered some of old recordings were not ready to be part of Kill the Kell and new compositions to create a big variety of colours into this double piece. From now on, Kill the Kell will not only focus in music but also in literature, being always open to any kind of art. LISTEN ALBUM I LISTEN ALBUM II Since then, Damian Silva lives in Tenerife where is settled down in a small town south.

2016. Back in Tenerife, for better or worse, Kill the Kell definetely settled down in this far island with the intention to move no longer from it. So, after the crazy trilogy “Cannon fodder – Trip to nowhere – Voice from underneath” as a storm of compositions and recordings in just two years long with more than 70 songs from any kind of style and stories… “Roots of Kill the Kell – B-sides & outtakes (2002 – 2014)” was released in december as a triple album to show the drafts behind that work. This is a very complete collection of discarted tracks from the three previous albums. For very different reasons, some were intended to be B-sides and others were outtakes that at the end weren’t part of any official song-list. The album I and II are own songs and III are covers from many different artists of all kind. LISTEN ALBUM ILISTEN ALBUM IILISTEN ALBUM III

2017. Kill the Kell releases a very special album called “Serendipitous glimpse in darkness”, which is the result of a collection of different piano pieces and orchestra, with few cover songs like “Gloomy Sunday” (Billy Holiday version), “It’s a hard rain it’s a gonna fall” from Bob Dylan and “Bela Lugosi’s dead”from Bauhaus. The album ends with a strange track called “Mephisto finale”, with infernal voices and effects. A very ambiental album, which reminds to a soundtrack album. Not a scream, not a single note played by a guitar, but instead a magnificent and experimental unfolding of piano songs that blows your mind. LISTEN HERE

2018. The need to unfold the picture of the migrant crisis on these several years, led Kill the Kell to record “Hades Nostrum” in order to make a homage to all refugees. However, it focuses on the old roman concept of the Mediterranean sea as Mare Nostrum. Kill the Kell turns it into the made up neo greek / roman concept: Hades Nostrum. Which would mean “Our cemetery” instead of “Our sea”. With only 20 minutes long, it intends to make more visible this -too old- human horror. It includes a cover of “October” from Jackson C. Frank, with the collaboration of his friend Max Escudero on guitars. It’s an acoustic material with no drumming sets, only small percussions to enrich the atmosphere. LISTEN HERE

2019. Por primera vez, Kill the Kell presenta un disco cantado íntegramente en español. Su contenido, comprometido y de marcado carácter popular, es un homenaje a aquellos que han defendido los derechos humanos incluso en los momentos más adversos de la historia universal. “Mientras nos quede aire” es un canto a favor de la unión de los pueblos, y de un alzamiento en contra de el sistema que destruye la dignidad de las personas, la naturaleza y la sensibilidad entre mortales. Un sistema que promueve competir en lugar de compartir, que alimenta a la eliminación de competencia, en lugar de un aprendizaje y un apoyo mutuo. Su eclecticismo musical hace que convivan en un mismo disco; la canción popular, la música clásica y otras pinceladas de música exclusiva del siglo XX, como el boogie woogie, el blues o el rock. ESCUCHA AQUÍ

2020. Kill the Kell releases a compilation from the very first album, a revised play-list where can be found the most relevant songs.